The Shepherd
We are going to walk slowly and intentionally verse by verse through the truths of Psalm 23 and how our Father God designed us to rest. You can read my introduction to this collection of posts here. Grab your coffee or tea, get comfy and let’s soak in the life-giving words of this psalm.
Psalm 23:1
A psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.
Verse one of this psalm, which invites us to rest and restoration, is first a bold declaration of relationship and provision.
This is what I wrote in my journal describing what it says to me personally….
“Because my Father is my shepherd, I am completely taken care of, I have no wants. He provides everything He knows I truly need. I always have enough!”
As you read verse one, what thoughts and images come to mind? What words would you write to make that verse personal to you?
In the rural area where I live, ranchers herd cattle. The cattle are gathered and driven from behind with whistles, yells, horses, and four-wheelers. In comparison, the shepherd would lead his sheep by walking in front of them. They knew his voice and followed him. He named each one and knew them by sight. When he called, they would come. They would run from the voice of a stranger with whom they had no relationship or trust.

Oh, that we would be so wise and discerning! Have you been following false shepherds, expecting them to care for you? Politicians? Governments? Social media? Religious leaders? The systems of this world, secular and religious, make manipulative promises under the pretense of caring for you. The promises are empty and you will be left betrayed and broken. Run, my friend, run from strange voices that drip with deceptions and lies.

The shepherd provided every need for his sheep…
He put his life on the line for them. They were completely cared for.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, willingly laid His life down for you and me and by His sacrificial death and resurrection, He became the true and only Shepherd we will ever need.
“The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” ~Jesus from John 10:27
If you are His disciple and you know and follow His voice, not only can you declare that He is your Shepherd, but He declares that you are His, you belong to the Kings of kings and Lord of lords, and He delights in caring and providing for you.
“So don’t worry and don’t keep saying, ‘What shall we eat, what shall we drink or what shall we wear?! That is what pagans are always looking for; your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Set your heart on the kingdom and his goodness, and all these things will come to you as a matter of course. Matthew 6:31-33

You can rest in the care of Jesus, your Shepherd.
Are you tired and weary? Going in circles? Sit with me awhile and let me tell you about my Jesus.
Cindy Leis
Love it! Oh, that we would know the power that word “Shepherd” offers us.
Thank you for this. It is such a simple, but so often missed truth that we all need to be reminded of. ♥