Table of Grace…
Gary and I recently listened to a message on parenting. I looked at him and said, “I wish I had heard this when our kids were little.” Have you ever wanted do-overs in your marriage or with raising your kids? You can listen here for the parenting teaching; whatever age or stage of life you are in, it will enrich you in your family relationships.
One of the most essential things that can happen in a home is gathering around the table at mealtime. All devices should be left in another room, the TV should be off, and families should be face to face, heart to heart. We have a tradition in our home with family and friends alike of joining hands and praying over the food and the time of fellowship together. Our home is a place of peace and refuge for whoever walks over our threshold.
Around the world today, at sundown, in traditional Jewish homes and Messianic Jewish homes, families will gather around their tables to celebrate Shabbat. Shabbat commemorates the day that God rested from creating the world. Shabbat literally means “He rested” and is considered a day of peace and holiness.
You are to work for six days; but when the seventh day arrives, you are to observe the Sabbath and rest. Even when it is the time to plow and harvest, you must still rest on the seventh day. Exodus 34:21
In Messianic Jewish homes, Shabbat candles will be lit, and the blessings below will be shared by the wife/mother of the home. I have a precious friend who lights a candle at mealtime. For her, it’s celebrating Jesus as the Light of the World. A candle is always lit at our evening meal to celebrate our blessings and our life in Jesus. Shabbat Shalom, my Cafe Friends! Shabbat Cauliflower Rice Tabbouleh recipe.

Messianic Blessing
Blessed are You Adonai, our God, King of the Universe,
who has sanctified us with His Word,
and has given us Yeshua our Messiah,
and commanded us to be light to the world.
Blessing over the Wine
Blessed are You Adonai, our God, King of the Universe,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.
Blessing over the Bread
Blessed are You Adonai, our God, King of the Universe,
Who brings forth bread from the earth.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem—
“May those who love you be at peace!
May there be shalom within your walls—
quietness within your palaces.”
For the sake of my brothers and friends,
I now say: “Shalom be within you.”
For the sake of the House of Adonai our God,
I will seek your good.
Psalm 122
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