Welcome to my little corner of the world. Come on in and sit in the sunshine….rest your weary body and mind….I’ll pour you a cup of hot, steamy, strong coffee…or tea, if you prefer.
We can talk about silly things….weighty things that threaten to pull us under….the weather….or nothing at all. Maybe you just need to sit in peaceful silence and not have to think of words to say. That’s okay, too.
I’ll cry with you….laugh with you….pray with you….hold your hand if you need me to.
I know lonely. I know the lost feeling that envelops a heart when there is no one to listen. I know the ache of feeling invisible and forgotten.
That’s why I created this small place, my little coffee cafe. I wanted you to have a place to find a quiet respite and a listening ear. And maybe …just maybe..you would know that there is someone who understands and has lived through hard things in this life. You see, I’m not afraid to speak of hard things, of things that have broken your heart and mine. I’m not afraid to softly speak truth and give words of hope in the messiest places of our lives. I’m not afraid of your emotions….your anger…..your tears….your joys….your numbness….or your pain.
I, too, know of rejection and friend-less-ness , isolation and bone-deep emptiness. And through all my desperate tears and prayers for relief…Jesus, Yeshua, heard my cries and He saw me.
Psalm 56:8
You’ve kept track of all my wandering and my weeping.
You’ve stored my many tears in Your bottle-not one will be lost.
For they are all recorded in Your book of remembrance.
He also sees you, my friend. Your hidden tears….your sighs…your despair….your grief….your doubts…your fears.
“….for His presence is everywhere, bringing light into your night.” Psalm 139:11b
May you be wrapped in peace and comfort as you hear Him singing over you with joy and delight as He comes to rescue you {Zephaniah 3:17}….{click on link to listen}
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It’s true, I will rescue you
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left……”
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