Gone Fishin’ My 500 Words January 23-25, 2014BlogXJanuary 23, 2014Date with my hubby…..be back Sunday, January 26, 2014
Got Luggage…? My 500 Words January 22, 2014BlogXJanuary 22, 2014GOT LUGGAGE…?Dreams… what are your dreams? Do you allow yourself to dream?Venice, Italy is one
House or Home…? My 500 Words January 21,2014BlogXJanuary 22, 2014HOUSE OR HOME….? Bungalow….just the word makes me sigh. The bungalow style of architecture is
My 500 Words January 19, 2014 FRIENDS…BlogXJanuary 20, 2014FRIENDS…. I’ve heard it said if you can count your close friends on one hand
My 500 Words January 17,2014 Prescription…BlogXJanuary 18, 2014Prescription… Matthew 19:19Jesus said, “Don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, honor your
My 500 Words January 16,2014 Beloved…BlogXJanuary 17, 2014JamWithMeThursdays Today for My 500 Word post I’m hooked up with Bonnie Gray over at